Sunday, January 01, 2006

it's an incoherent post, so shut up

My brother and sister are groaning that the holiday season is ending. Schools starts for them this Wednesday, Jan 4, which also happens to be my bro's birthday. (Poor him, his celebration always comes when people are stopping the celebrating).

I'm not sorry that the holiday season is ending.

This isn't Ebeneezer Scrooge talking. I actually really enjoyed this holiday season. So far, I've had great parties and dinners with friends and had also taken a good trip to Ilocos in between Xmas and New Year. I got some cool Xmas gifts (jackpot Gica on the annie proulx!)

So why am I glad that it's ending? Coz there's a joy and energy that comes from getting back to work. I'm looking forward to not eating fatty meats and cheese, nor ensaimadas and hot chocolate, to glasses of wine and champagne. Come on. They're tasty but do you want them all the time? And the wreckage that is your body afterwards. Those bastards who talk about holiday will power -- I already am showing will power! Could you imagine though if ur the prick who won't toast in the new year with your alcohol? And of course, once you get started, well the ball keeps on rolling.

I'm looking forward to my gym being open again, to my swimming lessons restarting, to my job applications again being processed. I'm looking forward to semi-normal traffic, and people temporarily halting the spending and returning to producing. An economy needs consumption, but also investment and production. I wonder what percentage of our spending is bunched up during the 4th Quarter and how this affects things.

So I don't dread Jan 2. I'm thinking, thank God. No more holidays ok until Holy Week.

Maf!! My new layout! I think I'm gonna have to pay you, even though you say you don't charge.

There will be no problem looking for material to update my blog with the next few weeks. I've got enough stuff from Ilocos and books over Xmas. What I need now is to go on a climb! :) There's a clean up climb in Maculot on the 7th of Jan. God, this reminds me that I'm gonna have to fix my sports calendar of sorts.

more later. hope 2006 is cool for all of you.

it's world cup time again!!!!!


wysgal said...

Happy New Year Fabian! This looks to be a good year for new things ... and like you I am looking forward to the New Year. =)

m said...

Haven't had a "flash of inspiration" yet! You can help by giving me ideas of what you'd like (colors, mood, etc---"GQ" is still too vague :D). Once I've thought of something, making the layout won't take long. :)

Bobby said... generally not a holiday guy, but actually had an alright time too this year. im upset that it's ending. if only coz it's back to work for me (funny how i still have the academic calendar dictating my life)!