Friday, December 17, 2004

i haven't really been able to process the past few days, starting with Saturday night when I heard that Uncle Ron was sick. And then, it all moved pretty quickly. Now it's Friday morning, and there have been masses, relatives, and all these people people people just waiting to see him. It's in times like these that I learn a lot about my family. That's the silver lining on this storm cloud.

People have come home. Cousins on the Poe side are here, some of whom I hadn't seen in years. Grandmo is now at our house, too. She's so vital. It's great talking to her. She wants to hear all the small details.

Thank God we're not pushing through with Ilocos. I don't want to do that anymore. Not this year, anyway. We're pushing for a credit with them. Somehow. That reminds me, I better make the phone call now.

Thursday, November 18, 2004

how do i create. . .

a stick post / label that says you should go to my LJ blog at everytime things here get too quiet?

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

mental indigestion. . .

is what I get when I clean my room. that's why it takes a while before my room gets put into order. i have to stop to prevent getting headaches.

grad school clutter: notes, readings, tests, exams, graphs, attendance sheets, blue and green mimeographed sheets, class cards, pamphlets, textbooks new and old, journals, magazines, and more notes.

books books books books books more books.
you want books go to my room.
who am i?
look at my books and the clutter in my room.


Friday, October 22, 2004

proof that i have a lot of time

a little competition at

wrote a story using 101 words from the last 101 years. Didn't keep with the 150 word limit though. I just wanted to see if I could write something semi-coherent, incorporating every single word. Here goes.

A chronological story.

Bound fast, I couldn't move. My hip whizzo clutched his teddy bear. His egghead tendencies had him engaged in all the real politik and tiddly-om-pom-pom that he could handle.

"No sacred cows, this time. All genes with blues and celeb proteins must go. Cheerio, Bob Dylan. And that includes you, too."

Elsewhere down Civvy street, a U-boat was going into a tailspin. The ceasefire adlibbed between the demobbed pop wizards and the Anti-low hemline league of lumpenproletariats was reaching a crescendo.

It was an avant-garde moment, bordering on the kitsch. The two groups were engaged in a sudden death winner takes all struggle in the Big Apple.

The contest? Sex. In a drive-in. With Mickey Mouse. Fastest one to the rodent's big bagel, wins.

I'll dumb it down for you. It was the 24th century. Pesticide was the new coke. Racism had given way to the spliff wars.The only dunking to be seen on TV, was on the Cheeseburger channel, in between old footage of the 21st century Blitzkrieg and the 23rd century Molotov cocktail club disaster. The biggest snafu was yet to occur though.

Some doctor, pissed off from the DNA analysis results that came into this mobile phone, had bet megabucks that his Wonderbra would remain springy and cool, beneath Big Brother's observations and incessant brainwashing. But fastfood had begun to rule the world, and Generation X was coming out of their cryogenic chambers. So there was a good chance some hippy non-U boogie muncher, would find himself a sexy target for the cruise missiles of the newly emerged cyborgs.

When the awesome display of bossa nova vibes and belligerent peacniks overloaded the proverbial bytes in his miniskirt, the left over acid from his love-in with his It-girl broke the vital microchip he bought at MY online hypermarket.

I was green, ok! Watergate had seriously brought the F-word into the vocabulary, punk. Detox for trekkies was naff-all because trainers with karaoke functions had become the latest in power dressing. My toy boy was inventing his own hip-hop beatbox, that would respond to eye double clicks with an OK, yah. Welcome to your mobile virtual reality. Want a gangsta rappa in ur latte frappa? Do you think I was paying attention if he needed last minute repairs for his vital experiment?

The recovery applet wouldn't launch during my hot-desking. The URL was showing attitude, having it large. Botox spam and kitten heels adverts, were spouting all the ghetto fabulous testimonials of the third wave of dot-commers. Needless to say, I didn't get the job done on time.

A text message had come in through my Google mobile. Bling Bling! 9/11 was NOT created by the Axis of Evil: American Public finally figures it out.

How sweet. Now I had to think up if sexing-up this mad chav over here, would free me from his evil clutches.

Here's the 150 word version I submitted

Pesticide was the new Coke. Racism had given way to spliff wars. The biggest snafu was to come.

-- "No sacred cows. Gene-holders with blues and celeb proteins must go. Cheerio, Bob Dylan. And that includes you, too.”

He had bet megabucks against Big Brother's brainwashing. Bossa nova vibes overloaded the proverbial bytes in his miniskirt; acid residue from his love-in with some It-girl broke the vital microchip he bought at MY online hypermarket.

I was green and distracted! My toy-boy was by the hip-hop beatbox, responding to double clicks with an “OK, yah. Want a gangsta rappa with your latte frappa?”

My recovery applet was having it large. Botox spam were spouting the ghetto fabulous testimonials of the third wave of dot-commers.

Bling Bling! A text message! 9/11 was NOT created by the Axis of Evil: American Public finally figures it out.

Would sexing-up this mad chav, even work?
since all recent gimmicks have been falling apart and i have so much time on my hands, i might as well type a little something in this magic blog that nobody really reads. if in your minds, you're thinking, "wait a minute, this isn't typical Fabian, he even seems a little. . .angsty,", well cut me some SLACK! im not always happy ok. anyway, these funky moods rarely last long for me. but in the meantime. . .

I actually enjoyed playing Mr. Kuya to Gica today. Downstairs her little pizza party / birthday party is going on. Earlier in the day, we ordered six eighteen inch pizzas from Yellow Cab, and bought a whole bunch of chips and sodas for tonight. Plus 1.5 gallons of ice cream, too. Her friends are downstairs enjoying the food. I had a slice of pizza plus a whole back of Kornets (yuck). Junk food + Diet Coke = Satisfaction. Whatever is leftover tonight will go to my own party stash for tomorrow night. It's my little party tomorrow, most guests will be mountaineering buddies.

Decided to throw a party for them, but not for my other friends. Nothing to do with closeness, just practicality in throwing a party for them. I have 21 mountaineering buddies and its not to difficult to put them all in one room. My other friends are too. . .fragmented and disparate. I have about 3 econ friends, half a dozen debate friends, another 3 college friends, high school buds, a whole assortment of chicks, random cool people, etc. It isn't too easy putting something up SMALL that can incorporate them all. If I'm gonna invite this many types of people, I'm thinking the optimal party number will have to be at least 100. And that's a headache. So, no, I'm not playing favorites with the sportier people.

Oct 27-Nov something something is Mt.Halcon-Puerto Galera adventure week. 4 days of fatigue and enjoyment in Halcon, and maybe another 2 days of funsun in Puerto Galera. I haven't done any packing yet. For that matter, I've hardly done any phyisical training the past week. Maybe I'll do a quick run in UP tomorrow morning (sha, right)

Thursday, October 21, 2004


holier-than-thou jologs people piss me off more than holier-than-thou rich brats. such a realization tells me, that yes, I have an unattractive and elitist streak in my blood. i dont' know why i'm even typing this here. partially i guess, it's because debaters read this blog. and their minds aren't so. . .stuck.

the sentiment is, however subconsciously, "how dare you tell me you're something, when you're . . .".

one is more forgiving(?) of the brat because the sentiment is "you delusional cloistered zombie, but i can't blame you because wealth does that"

Monday, October 18, 2004

this sunday

'finished off the last of the make-up mountaineering skills exams yesterday morning. i had failed the land navigation theoretical test (which was just a fluke since nobody studied for it), but did well in the practical navigation with the compass and map, which never really was a problem to begin with.

i had a bit more difficulty with the ropesmanship skills test, though the testing people this time around were a lot more reasonable and a lot more friendly. we went through all 12+ of the basic knots we're supposed to know, and i could only perform about 9-10 of them. so what i was doing instead of studying how to do the last two knots, they asked me? I was busy having a life i wanted to holler back. but i didn't, coz deep down inside i know that learning how to make these knots is pretty important. we're not making decorative macrame. we're actually learning things that have practical application out there. i won't be so stupid anymore when it comes to making clotheslines, making guylines taut, and crossing rivers.

in less than two weeks we make our induction climb in Halcon, and we've arranged climbing groups already. my group is pretty ok. i get along with most everyone, and the one person i dont want to be grouped with ISNT in my group, so just by that much i'm satisfied already. the gang spent the rest of the afternoon in Galleria, going through Bombproof, Bratpack, Athlete's Foot, StoreShop and Toby's. I've had enough of recreational stores for the next two weeks. we finished the night off watching Feng Shui (w/c I didn't find scary at all, but the story was decent anyway), and also caught Shark's Tale after dinner. Got home all tired with no more money.

Saturday, October 16, 2004

Economist subscribers

quick guys, i have to do some research online. to all the economist subscribers (wilfred?) lend me a username and password so i can access premium content online. thanks!

ps. Len! Yours doesn't work anymore.

Friday, October 15, 2004

i have a new mobile phone and #

friends, please text me your numbers. i dont have them!
esp. Maita, Len. we have a few long overdue projects to do. :)


Monday, October 04, 2004

i have to write a paper

Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Wilfred Segovia look alike, maybe in 10 years

He's an expat too!

Those who actually read this blog, get the reward of seeing the photo. :)

I haven't told Wil yet either.

Monday, September 27, 2004

i spent most of the day editing a chapter of this macro book. ended up learning a bit about Excel. Lots of the lessons in this book are Excel based, so try learning Macro that way, where u can really muck around with the data. It's a good alternative approach I think. Book doesn't focus too much on flexible or sticky prices, rather it's more of a constrained or unconstrained equilibrium (well, isn't a sticky price a constraint? )

climb this weekend is shaping up. Must study tonight.

Friday, September 24, 2004

I recited with all three of my professors today, Clarete-Canlas-Reside. That actually means something. I don't recite often. Yeah, me! I don't. I just want to take the notes and get out of there -- go back to read basic econ books coz those I know. Today, I just had something to say, for some reason. Maybe the extra reading I've been doing is paying off.

I was in an academic mood. I even inquired about the Ph.D program and attended the Friday seminar (today's topic, Exchange and Institutions care of Dr. de Dios, more bits on the New Institutional Economics field). At the end of the presentation, Dr. de dios flashed pictures of graves of famous economists. That's his new hobby. Collecting these things from the internet. Adam Smith in Edinburgh. Marx in London. Hayek somewhere in Germany.

Who knew that John Stuart Mill was buried in Avignon? I would have checked it out, had I known.

there are days when i wonder why i am in the field that i am in. economics.

the amount of knowledge that professors and textbooks take for granted that you should know. . .grates on me. sometimes i just want to raise my hand in class and say, "Explain it from the top! I don't even know why the graph looks that way, so don't draw any more lines on the board til I get it."

They should sign-post the math skills required for the next lesson, the week before.

E.g. For next week's lecture on monetary policy shocks, please review auto-regression, identification, and determinants.

So, I'm always catching up, catching up, catching up. I hate it. I want to strangle myself.

There are times that i think that i want to ditch graduate studies and just do something else

But then there are the other moments, the saving graces that let one stick at it. Like today's lecture on the import quotas and voluntary export restraints by Dr. Punchy was cool. Maybe it's coz I actually got 60% of the lecture.

Paraphrasing McLuhan: Everytime people are searching for their identity, or trying to preserve their identity, violence in some form is inevitable.

Sunday, September 19, 2004

had a 10k run this morning at the Fort, not my favorite place to run. I like boring flat tracks in the outdors, like Camp Aguinaldo. I don't like concrete or even asphalt. I need new shoes.

Finished up by Basic Life Support course today, the complement to the First Aid one I took about three weeks ago. One less requirement I need accomplished to become a full fledged AMCI member. Only thing left now is the 15K run, skills tests, a 3 day climb at Mt. Ugu and a 4-5 day one at Mt. Halcon (for the induction).

suddenly people like Wil, Bob and Maf have a blog.

Saturday, September 18, 2004

Today, I woke up early again. That meant, that I dropped my sis off in her school. I wished her a good day, and then drove to my own place: the school. I've been sleeping in the Revo lately. It's warm. It's dry. It's especially nice to sleep inside it when its cold and rainy outside. So I've taken to having morning naps in the Revo. Naps in the Library or in the teaching fellow office suck. I sleep in til 10 mins before class starts. Midway through my nap, I get an SMS from Sarah: Dr. Clarete won't be coming in today, because he's ill. He gets ill quite a bit. I think it's due to intellectual disquiet. He's got this research project that is just gnawing in his head. . .so with the 90 mins free, I go off to the Rizal library, and decided to read about flow of funds evidence in monetary policy shocks. i'm humming along nicely. i'm learning all about assumptions and why certain vectors have to be orthogonal to each other. one day, this will all make sense. i head back for my 1-4 pm class. first period we learn a model on exchange rate determintation. Thank you, Dr. Canlas. later, we hear from Dr. Reside why the Philippines is NOT like Argentina. Lots of similarities, but there are a few differences. 4 PM. I go off to the auditorium. Cong. Joey Salceda to talk about this same issue. He's a riot. He makes lots of good points. I learned a few things.

Picked up sis. Got home. Had dinner with Mom, freshly flew in from BKK for a doctor's appointment. Crossing my fingers that there's nothing wrong. We drank bad pink champagne tonight, along with the curry she brought over.