Friday, September 24, 2004

there are days when i wonder why i am in the field that i am in. economics.

the amount of knowledge that professors and textbooks take for granted that you should know. . .grates on me. sometimes i just want to raise my hand in class and say, "Explain it from the top! I don't even know why the graph looks that way, so don't draw any more lines on the board til I get it."

They should sign-post the math skills required for the next lesson, the week before.

E.g. For next week's lecture on monetary policy shocks, please review auto-regression, identification, and determinants.

So, I'm always catching up, catching up, catching up. I hate it. I want to strangle myself.

There are times that i think that i want to ditch graduate studies and just do something else

But then there are the other moments, the saving graces that let one stick at it. Like today's lecture on the import quotas and voluntary export restraints by Dr. Punchy was cool. Maybe it's coz I actually got 60% of the lecture.

Paraphrasing McLuhan: Everytime people are searching for their identity, or trying to preserve their identity, violence in some form is inevitable.


wonderspeller said...

you can do it fabski. gosh i have memories of you teaching me calculus. and doing my homework. hahahaha.

ebtg said...

Fabs, you were listening pala to that 241 lecture! Hahaha! Ako, I didn't understand the graph but the "voluntary" export restriction, I understood.

See you on Tuesday. :)