Tuesday, August 08, 2006


The Black Eyed Peas have released two versions of their music video Bebot,

one called Generation 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PeFNDUBcrwc

the other Generation 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hp0DcffERYs

You guys should see this. This ain't on MTV and VH1 yet, so hope it gets enough of a buzz or it gets released there or something.

Background on Bebot, the guys who made the video, and the Little Manila Project here: http://www.kidheroes.net/bebot/

Aside, Bebot is the reason why some Welsh kids in Cardiff even knew who we were and where we from.

1 comment:

wonderspeller said...

hahahahaha...i listened to it while i was at the office. it's funny! can't wait to watch the version at home.

what does bebot mean?