Monday, August 28, 2006

thank yous

thank you that when i woke up this morning it felt like I had a decent night's sleep.
thank you that I didn't get stomach cramps in the middle of the morning coz I had a shredded wheat banana breakfast.
thank you that I can buy a chicken curry lunch with two pieces of chicken for just forty pesos.
thank you that I got my work done today.
thank you that co-workers sent my YM messages asking how they could help out.
thank you that I have co-workers who care about the quality of work they produce.
thank you that my calls to India weren't as torturous as they were last Friday.
thank you that work ended at 6 so I was able to make it to my spinning class.

thank you that my room fixing turned out quite well.

thank you that tomorrow is another day

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no this isn't Mitch Albom's blog

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