Monday, February 13, 2006

end of an era

I didnt expect that my whole weekend (including friday night) was gonna be gobbled up by debate tryouts. Thought I'd pop in at strategic times, but I actually saw practically every debate on this one. For those of you who are interested, and I know there are at least a few, the contingent line up is as follows:

[names in ranking order]

Ateneo 1: Leloy, Sharmila, Charisse

Ateneo 2: Glenn, Mahar, Miko

Ateneo 3: DS, Kip, Allan

Ateneo 4: Czarina, Cris, Danni

Ateneo 5: Adrian, Pat H, Franz

Ateneo 6: Faith, Bev, Dan L

Ateneo 7(?): Steph Poon, X, Y

Judges: Steph Co, James

Too bad Kellda's dream to be on the other side of a snakepit didn't materialize. Closest was the final slot for Team 2.

since this contingent is for CSB IVs (aka Ombudsman debates), IIDC (Inquirer interschool) and AUDC (asian universities), this will be the last tryout for a few months, and probably the last tryout in this house (we're moving in a couple of months).

It probably will also be the last tryout that I'll be attending, or at least attending this fully. Bob sounded out a theme earlier in the weekend: What the hell am i doing here? and I had ask mysef that as well.

Tryouts has a functional role, but it's highly social as well, but of course. The pecking order is confirmed or in some cases newly changed and established. Occasionally, alumni in town will be around to gather, and it'll be time to meet up, exchange gossip, and see each other.

I found it comforting yet, also a little bizarre, that soon it might be Gica who'll be in the middle of all this, holding court with all these speakers. In her case though, the physical venue would have changed. P. Florentino, something that could be argued as a debate-houses, with 3 debaters, and countless tryouts would give way to some place else. Maybe our new house? Not unlikely if a few circumstances turn out as they are.

In our little family-view, this all began sometime mid 1995, when I figured that joining the high school debate team would be a fun thing. More than a decade later, here we are.


wonderspeller said...

as much as i'd whine and gripe about going to tryouts, it's something i miss dearly and weirdly still. i like how it's the nicest way to catch up with everyone post-college, and at the same time it IS bittersweet because you do wonder why the hell you're still there. especially given the boring weekend i had, i would have flown over just to hang out with you guys for "one last time" if i could've. sigh.

i remember how last year, on my november trip home from singapore to wait for my pass i was so glad iisdc was going on because it was nice to be bubbled up in a tournament. and to see everyone conveniently all in one go.

fabian said...

at least these days, the society pays for our lunches! :)

just fyi, in case ur in town:

Ombudsman Debates = March 10-12

IIDC = April 3-7

AUDC = May 19 - 26

wonderspeller said...

Ombudsman Debates is on my birthday and bob's and wil's!!!

Anonymous said...

Yikes Fabes. Over 10 years na pala?

I think we can expect around 4 more, if only as alums.


Bobby said...

we'll miss your house terribly. i guess if this *is* the last tryouts i'll actually be a part of, that would mean that my first and last were at your place! feels like another end of an era (and the start of a new one), esp. with gica possibly (and hopefully) coming in.

fabian said...

the start of the new one looks exciting. . . am thinking already of the house warming party. ;)

i saw my walls painted its color today. this website shows what the color looks like. gave me the idea that black and white photos might be the way to go in terms of backdrops: