A lot of people can be quite anal about organizing their record collection -- ordering it by genre, chronologically in terms of date of purchase, alphabetically by artist, or whatever Rob Gordon style obssession they feel like for the time being.
We have an interesting way of organizing CDs here at home. We have CDs that are removed from their cases and scattered in the various glove compartments of our three cars. There are special CDs that we've placed nicely in synthetic Case Logic containers. And there are CDs that are hopelessly gathering dust in one of those ugly metal towers that seemed like excellent birthday gifts not too long ago. If you ask any of us where a CD is any given time, we probably won't be able to tell you with any surety, which is why come Christmas time we are hard pressed to gather all the right discs at one place. We end up grasping for whatever crumby Xmas CDs happen to be in the vicinity -- this means Alvin and the Chipmunks and Perry Como. Ugh.
To remedy this situation (!), I'm starting to create a master CD or mp3 playlist, if you will, of the holiday tunes I plan to cycle (subject to) my family during upcoming long road trips / living room lounging / crammed bits of wrapping presents. They're not all strictly Xmas songs
So far I've got:
Winter Wonderland - Diana Krall
Grown-up Christmas List - Michael Buble
Little Drummer Boy - Bing Crosby ( I wanted something that would be the classic core)
I've Got Love to Keep me Warm - Dean Martin
Winter Wonderland (again!) - Ray Charles
You can sneer if you like. He he. Your constructive suggestions though would be more helpful.
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Just finished rereading the Nick Hornby's book of many music sneers and humor, High Fidelity. I first read this just two or three years ago, when I was fresh out of college. I still don't get most of the musical references (though I DO know now who the lead singer of the Wailers is!). What I find most amusing is how his observations about his relationships are things that I can now identify with. Been there, been that in pinoyspeak. I used to find Laura such an ass. . .
When one is a little younger, one can't understand why older people can be so retarded with their romantic relationships. At a later age, one figures that one really is just a little crazy, like everyone else?
Jack Black and Catherie Zeta are perfectly cast as Barry and Charlie, but John Cusack is a bit too handsome, as has been observed, to really be a "loser" like Rob.