Monday, October 03, 2005

Captain Incompetence strikes again

Goodness. I had this mistaken impression that a colleague of mine had been getting the hang of doing his job as a teaching assistant with me. I guess I was mistaken.

I put in a bit of effort of making two sets (one green, one blue) for last weekend's final exam. As we all know, this discourages students from cheating. We used to be lazy by making one set and putting them in two different colors so as to give the impression that it was two different sets. Of course, you can only fool the students once with this technique.

ANYWAY, during the day of the exam, Mr. Colleague picks up the collated test papers in the assistants room, and proceeds to distribute the exams for each classroom in this manner: all green exams in one room, all blue exams in another. Hmm. I wonder why we even bothered put them in two colors? For aesthetic purposes?

The ironic thing is now that I've bothered to make two DIFFERENT sets, we get the worst of both worlds by somebody giving each section the one set with the same color.

He later rationalizes his actions to me that he thought that either color was the same set.

"Umm, all the more you'll want to mix them together, right?" God, I actually went straight at him for a change and semi-chewed him out (how do you chew out a colleague right? if he was my subordinate, oh he'd be dead.)

Thank God a fellow pissed off colleague of mine was a simple mobile phone call away.


ning said...

you can almost hear the the cymbal at the end of the joke.

hay. people are stupid ano?

Anonymous said...

hi fabian! i saw your comment and left an answer below it. i also left my e-mail address there for you.

i also explained there why i'm being all mysterious/ secretive. heheh..