Sunday, August 31, 2008

animal collective

Whole-grain breads get snapped up quick at the weekend market. I'd been meaning to try Mr. French-guy-with-big-mustache's whole grain bread but he was all out, so I bought a few other things instead. I asked two of his shiny pain au chocolat, and he gave me three. The pain au chocolat cost 50 pesos each -- this isn't too cheap, but its the closet thing I've had here that tasted Genevois. 

I went next to my usual place for whole-grain bread, a little stall next to Tita Moning's and Vargas Kitchen. I should pay attention to the name of the stall. They were also out of whole-grain bread. They said: try the kraft(?) korn bread, it actually has more types of grain in it and is filling as well. I had it this morning and they were right. It is filling. Hopefully they will last me longer than the whole wheat pitas I had also bought in this stall. I scarfed 12 pieces down in 2 days.

I bought a few other things for lunch and then went home. Time for the weekly trek back to QC. 

* * *

T decided to have a dessert party to gather all her friends the short time she was in town. I most enjoyed the achingly sweet Young BTS cake. The strawberry short cake was also good. But the most winner thing was: the sparkling chardonnay. Good shit. I wonder if it costs more than champagne. (Mental snob note flashback commercial: sir, Asti is not. . .wait never mind). I enjoyed being social. There were a lot of cute chicks in this party. That will really do me a lot of good right. . .

Everyone was talking about the E-heads concert to take place later that night. 

* * *

Next evening's stop was Cantinetta, it was just Jill's birthday. She looked gorgeous. I decided to steer clear of risotto and raviole since I was stuffed with dessert. Please eat their seafood tomato soup. It was very good. 

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Night ended in a club. There was a Madonna-thon. I did not spend any money. Snuck in for free (bad bad bad), drank other people's drinks in a pitcher. Lambanog, cranberry and other things I don't want to know. The crowd was good. Why? Coz it was OLDER. Yes. How often do you hear that.

* * *

We're watching the Cloud Gate Dance Theatre later. Why do I trust the artistic tastes of the Taiwanese? I do.



Bobby said...

I didn't realize you were blogging again here after so long (though this latest post is already a few months old and it looks like you've stopped again). Same with Cams. I actually really miss everyone doing personal blogs.

Re: Your earlier post about people insisting on picking you up even when you want to stay in. I'm so guilty. But will do it again when I get back. :P

fabian said...

Ha ha ha.

i was actually thinking of blogging again.

i think blogging stopped a little coz people got distracted with facebook.

it became all about updating status msgs and other twitter like activities